MLACC History and Archives

MLACC History

The California Chapter of the Music Library Association was originally formed in 1941. In 1946 two separate chapters, the Northern and Southern chapters were established. In 2013 the two regional chapters merged into the current California Chapter. Below is a finding aid for the Chapter archival materials with selected digitized documents. Digitized newsletter can be found here. Please send questions and comments to Callie Holmes:


Adamson, Danette Cook,and Mimi Tashiro.“Servants, Scholars, and Sleuths: Early Leaders in California Music Librarianship.” Notes, 1992, 806.

Tashiro, Mimi, and Danette Cook Adamson. 1991.A history of the Music Library Association in California. [California]: Northern and Southern California Chapters of MLA.

The Early Days: A History and Chronology by Danette Cook Adamson

The Southern California Chapter: A History and Chronology by Danette Cook Adamson

The Northern California Chapter: A History and Chronology by Mimi Tashiro.

Earnest, Jeffrey, and Kathryn P. Glennan. 1991. Directory of music collections in California. Los Angeles: Music Library Association, Northern California and Southern California Chapters.

Fry, Stephen M. 1988. California’s musical wealth: sources for the study of music in California: papers presented at the joint conference of the Northern and Southern California Chapters of the Music Library Association, May 17-18, 1985, Glendale Public Library, Brand Art and Music Library. [California]: Southern California Chapter, Music Library Association.

Fry, Stephen M. 1970. Directory and index of special music collections in Southern California libraries and in the libraries of the campuses of the University of California. [Los Angeles, Ca.]: [Southern California Chapter, Music Library Assoc.].

NAMM Oral Histories

Interviews with prominent California music librarians. [These are just short clips. The full interviews are not yet available.]

MLACC Archives

Series Outline

  • Series I – Publications
  • Series II – MLA SCC
  • Series III – MLA NCC
  • Series IV – MLA CC

Folder Inventory

Box 1 Folder 1     Publications   


(Provenance: Hermine Vermeij to the University of Maryland, 2008)

permission forms from copyright owners granting the MLA-SCC permission to create digitized formats of above publication 

Tashiro, Mimi, and Danette Cook Adamson, A History of the Music Library Association in California[California]: The Music Library Association in California, 1991.

Box 1 Folder 2Publications

A History of the Music Library Association in California

2 copies of A History of the Music Library Association in California by Mimi Tashiro and Danette Cook Adamson

Box 1 Folder 3     Publications   

Various publications

Adamson, Danette Cook, and Mimi Tashiro, “Servants, Scholars, and Sleuths: Early Leaders in California Music Librarianship.” Notes 48, no. 3 (1992): 806-835.

Earnest, Jeffrey, and Kathryn P. Glennan, eds., Directory of Music Collections in California. Los Angeles: Music Library Association Northern California and Southern California Chapters, 1991.

Fry, Stephen M. ed., California’s Musical Wealth: Sources for the Study of Music In California: papers presented at the Joint Conference of the Northern and Southern California Chapters of the Music Library Association, May 17-18, 1985, Glendale Public Library, Brand Art and Music Library. [Los Angeles]: Southern California Chapter Music Library Association, 1988.

Fry, Stephen M., ed., Directory and Index of Special Music Collections in Southern California Libraries and in the Libraries of the Campuses of the University of California. [Los Angeles]: Southern California Chapter Music Library Association, 1970.

Box 1 Folder 4Publications

MLA/SCC Secretary Treasurer Notebook

2 copies of binder with executive board minutes, chapter minutes, treasurer’s reports, bank statements

Box 2 Folder 1MLA SCC12-28-MLA Soe-Nyun, J. Revised By-Laws2010 
Box 2 Folder 2MLA SCCMLA SCC Newsletter, no.5-21;23-66;69 (1 of 2)1971-1999
Box 2 Folder 3MLA SCCMLA SCC Newsletter, no.5-21;23-66;69 (2 of 2)1971-1999
Box 2 Folder 4MLA SCCMLA Newsletter1977 
Box 2 Folder 5MLA SCCMLA SCC Membership Directory1998-1999 
Box 2 Folder 6MLA SCCMeeting Programs and notes1972-1973; 1990-1997
Box 2 Folder 7MLA SCCMLA correspondence and brochure for MLA Annual Meeting 1975 in Puerto Rico1974-1975
Box 2 Folder 8 MLA SCC

MLA SCC-NCC Joint Meetings

Programs, program notes and supplementary materials; brief prospectus for a directory of music collections in California

1983, 1985
Box 2 Folder 9MLA SCCMLA 60th Anniversary Annual Meeting Program1991
Box 2 Folder 10MLA SCC

MLA in California 50th Anniversary Celebration Meeting folder

Program, list of attendees, program notes and flyers, photographs

Box 2 Folder 11MLA SCCExecutive Board Meeting Minutes and notes2004-2008, 2011-2012 
Box 2 Folder 12MLA SCC

MLA/SCC Receipts

Includes DVD

Box 2 Folder 13MLA SCCMisc.MLA/SCC2006-2008
Box 2 Folder 14MLA SCCMLA/SCC Receipts2008-2010
Box 2 Folder 15 MLA SCCMLA/SCC Receipts2010-2012
Box 2 Folder 16MLA SCCMisc. Receipts2003-2008
Box 2 Folder 17MLA SCC

MLA/SCC Pre-2006

includes floppy disc

Box 2 Folder 18MLA SCCMLA/SCC Statements, Membership lists, etc.2011-2013
Box 2 Folder 19 MLA SCCMLA Freeman fund receipt book, checkbook register1995-2011
Box 2 Folder 20MLA SCC

Stamp and flash drive

flash drive includes treasurer’s reports, MLASCC stationary, MLASCC calendars, executive board meeting minutes, chapter minutes, chapter handbook & misc. docs

Box 2 Folder 21MLA SCC

MLA Southern California Chapter History

Gladys Caldwell correspondence

Box 2 Folder 22MLA SCCMembership Committee: Southern Chapter1941-1942 
Box 2 Folder 23MLA SCC

MLA Southern California Chapter

correspondence, Report of the Secretary California Chapter 1941

Box 2 Folder 24MLA SCCElizabeth Sprague Coolidge Project Birthday October 301941-1942 
Box 2 Folder 25 MLA SCC

MLA Southern California Chapter

minutes, correspondence

Box 2 Folder 26MLA SCC

MLA Southern California Chapter


Box 2 Folder 27MLA SCC

MLA Southern California Chapter

correspondence, minutes

Box 2 Folder 28 MLA SCC

MLA Southern California Chapter Meeting notes, Feb. 13, 1944

handwritten notes from meeting, corresponding formal notes in previous folder (the handwritten notes were moved to separate folder as they are very acidic)

Box 2 Folder 29 MLA SCC

MLA SCC: MLA Southern California Chapter


Box 2 Folder 30 MLA SCC

MLA SCC: MLA Southern California Chapter

correspondence, reports, California Library Association meeting program, MLA CC Membership luncheon program plus presentations for “Use of Phonograph Records in three Libraries of Southern California: Long Beach, Los Angeles Public and the University of Southern California” (presented by Mary Pearson, Olive Sprong, and Jean Meggett) (USC presentation absent?), and Music in Films: talk by Constance Purdy, ed. Film Music Notes; also notes about division of California Chapter into Northern and Southern Chapters

Box 2 Folder 31MLA SCCMLA – Union List of Reference Sources… 1941 
Box 2 Folder 32MLA SCC

MLA-SCC Papers

reports, correspondence, programs

Box 2 Folder 33MLA SCC

MLA-SCC Papers

correspondence, reports, programs

Box 2 Folder 34MLA SCC

MLA – Southern California Chapter

correspondence, reports, programs (including 1953 MLA National Convention in Los Angeles and “Proposed Plan for the Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Resources”, prepared by Scott Adams)

Box 2 Folder 35MLA SCC

MLA-SCC Papers

correspondence, minutes, by-laws

Box 2 Folder 36MLA SCCMLA Southern California Chapter Meeting, March 18, 1967 1967
Box 2 Folder 37MLA SCCMLA – Southern California Chapter 1968-1969
Box 2 Folder 38MLA SCCMLA Southern California Chapter Fall Meeting1968
Box 2 Folder 39MLA SCCMLA Southern California Chapter ca. 1969-1973
Box 2 Folder 40MLA SCCMLA Southern California Chapter Joint MLA/AMS Meeting, April 6, 1968 1968 
Box 2 Folder 41 MLA SCCMLA-AMS Joint California Chapters Meeting, May 3-4, 1969 1969
Box 2 Folder 42MLA SCC

MLA Southern California Chapter

newsletter, constitution and by-laws, Workshop on Record Library Problems (report by Linda Solow), Qualifications for Music Librarianship, survey of Musical Instrument Collections

Box 2 Folder 43MLA SCCMLASCC: meetings, etc. 1977-1979
Box 2 Folder 44MLA SCCMLASCC: meetings 1980
Box 2 Folder 45MLA SCC

MLA Papers

correspondence, reports, programs; national or other chapters (not California)

Box 2 Folder 46MLA SCC

MLA Summer Meeting

national meeting, held in San Francisco & Stanford

Box 2 Folder 47MLA SCC

MLA Midwinter Meeting

national, not California Chapter meeting

Box 2 Folder 48 MLA SCCMLA Meetings1971-1979
Box 2 Folder 49 MLA SCCMLA Officers and Membership List 1971-1975 
Box 2 Folder 50 MLA SCC

MLA – Old Mailing List

Southern California Membership as of 9-27-47

Box 2 Folder 51 MLA SCC MLA Southern California Chapter Membership Information1966-1967
Box 2 Folder 52 MLA SCCCurrent Membership Lists (uncorrected) 1969
Box 2 Folder 53MLA SCC

MLA Southern California Chapter: Newsletter


Box 2 Folder 54 MLA SCC

MLA Southern California Chapter Papers

Program, MLACC Spring Meeting April 27, 1984 at the American Film Institute
UCLA Music Library Guide to the Archival and TV Music Collections, April 1984 [by Stephen Fry] ; 
Letter to James Horner

Box 2 Folder 55MLA SCC

LA Times article on Arnold Schoenberg Institute, July 17, 1983

moved from previous folder due to acidic newsprint 

Box 2 Folder 56MLA SCCCorrespondence from Chair1983-1985
Box 2 Folder 57 MLA SCC

Newsletter – SCC

newsletter samples, articles, correspondence 

Box 2 Folder 58 MLA SCCBoard Meetings – SCC1981-1985
Box 2 Folder 59 MLA SCC

Newsletter MLA

correspondence, schedule (Marsha Berman, editor)

Box 2 Folder 60 MLA SCCMLA Southern California Chapter Annual Reports1983-1985 
Box 3 Folder 1MLA SCC

National Reports

Annual Reports of the Chapters, minutes, meeting program

Box 3 Folder 2MLA SCC

Schoenberg Institute

correspondence reacting to LA Times article (Box 2, Folder 55)

Box 3 Folder 3MLA SCCTreasury1982-1984
Box 3 Folder 4 MLA SCCPrograms1978-1984
Box 3 Folder 5 MLA SCC


correspondence, membership directories, officer lists, brochures, mock-ups

Box 3 Folder 6 MLA SCC

Chapters – Other Chapter

by-laws, membership lists, newsletters, reports

Box 3 Folder 7 MLA SCCMLA SCC Directory – Work To Do 1982-1983
Box 3 Folder 8 MLA SCC

MLA SCC Directory – Questionnaire

Directory and Index of Special Music Collections in the Southern California Libraries and in the Libraries of the Campuses of the University of California (1970) & (1976), correspondence, survey questionnaire

Box 3 Folder 9MLA SCCMLA SCC Directory Questionnaire Results1962-1981
Box 3 Folder 10MLA SCC

“Notes On the Music of St. Germain”

by Manly P. Hall, issued by The Philosophical Research Society; attached to questionnaire in Box 3 Folder 9 but removed because highly acidic

Box 3 Folder 11 MLA SCCMLA SCC Directory – Correspondence & File 1969-1982
Box 3 Folder 12 MLA SCCMLA SCC Mailing Lists 1981-1982
Box 3 Folder 13 MLA SCC

MLASCC – newsletter

not actual newsletters, production/publication notes/correspondence 

Box 3 Folder 14 MLA SCC

LA Times article on Jimmy Dolan

Jimmy Dolan was librarian for the LA Philharmonic; removed from Box 3 Folder 13 because highly acidic

Box 3 Folder 15MLA SCCMLASCC – other chapters1978-1982
Box 3 Folder 16 MLA SCCMLA SCC copies of ballots 1988-1992
Box 3 Folder 17 MLA SCCMLA SCC minutes, agendas1990-1991
Box 3 Folder 18MLA SCCMLASCC: Correspondence1989-1991
Box 3 Folder 19 MLA SCCMLA SCC copies of programs1990-1993
Box 3 Folder 20MLA SCCMLA SCC Constitution, By-Laws and Membership Directory1969-1998
Box 3 Folder 21MLA SCC

Southern California Chapter (MLA) Newsletter


Box 3 Folder 22 MLA SCC

MLA Southern California Chapter Newsletter


Box 3 Folder 23 MLA SCC

Misc. SCC Newsletters


Box 3 Folder 24 MLA NCC

Chapters — Northern California: Correspondence

Edward Colby and Scott Goldthwaite correspondence

Box 3 Folder 25 MLA NCCMLA California 50th Anniversary Planning 1989 01-12-MLA1989
Box 3 Folder 26MLA NCCMLA California 50th Anniversary Planning 1990 01-12-MLA1990
Box 3 Folder 27MLA NCCMLA California 50th Anniversary Planning 1991 01-12-MLA1991
Box 3 Folder 28 MLA NCC

MLA 50th Anniversary 1991 Printed Program 01-12-MLA

MLA 50th Anniversary 1991 printed Program

Box 3 Folder 29MLA NCCMLA California 50th Anniversary History of MLA in California 01-12-MLA 1991
Box 3 Folder 30 MLA NCCMLA California 50th Anniversary NCC Committee 01-12-MLA1989-1990
Box 3 Folder 31 MLA NCCMLA California 50th Anniversary NCC Festschrift Committee 01-12-MLA1990-1991
Box 3 Folder 32 MLA NCCMLA California 50th Anniversary NCC Chapter History Committee 01-12-MLA1989-1991
Box 3 Folder 33 MLA NCC01-11-MLA MLA-NCC Chapter Records1988-1989
Box 3 Folder 34 MLA NCC01-11-MLA MLA-NCC Chapter Records1987-1988
Box 3 Folder 35 MLA NCC01-11-MLA MLA-NCC Chapter Records 1986-1987
Box 3 Folder 36 MLA NCCMLA-NCC Chapter Records, 1985/86 01-11-MLA 1985-1986
Box 3 Folder 37 MLA NCCMLA-NCC Chapter Records 1984/85 01-11-MLA1984-1985
Box 3 Folder 38MLA NCCMLA-NCC Chapter Records 1983/84 01-11-MLA 1983-1984
Box 3 Folder 39 MLA NCC

MLA-NCC Chapter Records 1982/83 01-11-MLA

Joint Meeting: Music Library Association Northern Calif. Chapter and Art Libraries Society Northern California

Joint Meeting of the Southern and Northern California Chapters of the MLA

Box 3 Folder 40 MLA NCCMLA-NCC Chapter Records 1981/82 01-11-MLA 1981-1982
Box 3 Folder 41 MLA NCC01-11-MLA MLA-NCC Chapter Records 1980/811980-1981
Box 3 Folder 42 MLA NCC 01-11-MLA MLA-NCC Chapter Records 1979-80 1979-1980
Box 3 Folder 43 MLA NCC01-11-MLA MLA-NCC Chapter Records 1978/791978-1979 
Box 3 Folder 44 MLA NCC01-11-MLA MLA-NCC Chapter Records 77/791977-1979
Box 3 Folder 45 MLA NCC01-11-MLA MLA-NCC Chapter Records 1976/771976-1977
Box 3 Folder 46 MLA NCC01-11-MLA MLA-NCC Chapter Records 1975/761975-1976
Box 3 Folder 47 MLA NCC01-11-MLA MLA-NCC Chapter Records 1974/751974-1975
Box 3 Folder 48MLA NCC01-11-MLA MLA-NCC Chapter Records 1973/74 1973-1974
Box 3 Folder 49 MLA NCC01-11-MLA MLA-NCC Chapter Records 1972/731972-1973
Box 3 Folder 50MLA NCC01-11-MLA MLA-NCC Chapter Records 1971/72 1971-1972
Box 3 Folder 51 MLA NCC01-11-MLA MLA-NCC Chapter Records 1970/71 1970-1971
Box 3 Folder 52 MLA NCCMLA-NCC Chapter Records 1969/70 01-11-MLA 1969-1970
Box 3 Folder 53 MLA NCCMLA-NCC Chapter Records 1968/69 01-11-MLA1968-1969
Box 3 Folder 54 MLA NCCMLA-NCC Chapter Records 1968 through July 01-11-MLA 1968
Box 3 Folder 55 MLA NCCMLA-NCC Constitution 1975 / Amended 1978 / Revised 1985 01-11-MLA 1975-1985
Box 3 Folder 56MLA NCCMLA-NCC Roster of Officers 1976/77-1987/88 01-11-MLA 1976-1988
Box 4 Folder 1 MLA NCCMLA-NCC List of meetings: 2/24/67-06/01/811967-1981
Box 4 Folder 2MLA NCCMLA-NCC Membership records, money/receipt books 01-13-MLA1972-1985 
Box 4 Folder 3MLA NCCBach to the “Boss” Workshop Planning Committee 1987/88 01-13-MLA 1987-1988
Box 4 Folder 4 MLA NCCBach to the “Boss” Workshop – Collection Development & Acquisitions Handouts 1987/88 00-13-MLA 1987-1988
Box 4 Folder 5 MLA NCCBach to the “Boss” Workshop – Cataloging Sessions Handouts 1987/88 01-13-MLA 1987-1988 
Box 4 Folder 6MLA NCCBach to the “Boss” Workshop – Reference handouts 1987/88 01-13-MLA 1987-1988
Box 4 Folder 7 MLA NCCBach to the “Boss” Workshop Sound/Media Handouts 1987/88 01-13-MLA 1987-1988
Box 4 Folder 8 MLA NCC

MLA NCC Newsletter 1986-2002 02-07-MLA

v.1-15 (1985-2001), v.17 no.1 (2002), v.18 no.1 (2003), v.20 no.2 (2006)  (3 v.3 no.1s – Fall 1987, Spring 1988, and Fall 1988)

Box 4 Folder 9 MLA NCCMLA NCC Treasurer’s Report 1999-2001 02-07-MLA1999-2001 
Box 4 Folder 10 MLA NCCMLA NCC Rosters of Membership 02-07-MLA 1990-2001
Box 4 Folder 11 MLA NCCMLA NCC Programs of Agendas (scattered) 027-07-MLA 1990-2001
Box 4 Folder 12 MLA NCCMLA NCC Minutes 02-07-MLA1999-2000 
Box 4 Folder 13 MLA NCC

NCC-MLA Bulletin for Northern California Music Libraries

v.2 no.1-5 (1949), v.3 no.4-6 (1950)

Box 4 Folder 14MLA NCC

NCC-MLA Meeting Announcements, Agendas & Notes

Music Library Association Southern/Northern California Chapters Joint Meeting/ Program – Spring 1989

Box 4 Folder 15 MLA NCC

Misc. Northern CA

Constitution and By-Laws (1974-1975, drafts and final?); “Union List of Music Periodicals in Northern California” announcement; California Music Questionnaire (1972); Nominees for Offices 1995-1996

Box 4 Folder 16 MLA NCCKevin Freeman Memorial1993-1996
Box 4 Folder 17 MLA NCC

Working Group on Endowed Funds

MLA National Working Group

Box 4 Folder 18MLA NCCMusic Library Association Northern California Chapter Minutes1947-1968
Box 4 Folder 19 MLA NCCTranscript of panel discussion on early years of NCC, 1.26.19901990
Box 4 Folder 20 MLA NCCMLA/NCC – National MLA 95-39-MLA1985-1991
Box 4 Folder 21MLA NCCMLA-NCC Correspondence 95-39-MLA 1985-1991
Box 4 Folder 22MLA NCC

Northern California Chapter – Hosting National Meeting 95-40-MLA

(Provenance: Judy Tsou to the University of Maryland, 1994)

Box 4 Folder 23MLA NCC

Northern California Chapter – 50th Anniversary 95-40-MLA

(Provenance: Judy Tsou to the University of Maryland, 1994)

Early Days of MLA/NCC document 

Box 4 Folder 24 MLA NCC

50th Anniversary Celebration Program 97-101-MLA

(Provenance: Patricia Elliott to the University of Maryland, 1997) 

Box 4 Folder 25MLA NCC

California Collections Directory mailing list source 95-32-MLA

(Provenance: Kathy Glennan to the University of Maryland, 1994)

also SCC mailing list 

Box 4 Folder 26 MLA NCC

California Collections Directory SCC Mailing 95-32-MLA

(Provenance: Kathy Glennan to the University of Maryland, 1994)  

Box 4 Folder 27 MLA NCC

California Collections Directory Correspondence/Planning 95-32-MLA

(Provenance: Kathy Glennan to the University of Maryland, 1994) 

Box 4 Folder 28 MLA NCC

California Collections Directory Final Report 95-32-MLA

(Provenance: Kathy Glennan to the University of Maryland, 1994)

includes floppy disk: California Collections Directory (1991 ed.) files & correspondence; Programs used: Word, Excel, Hypercard;  – Macintosh version –

Box 4 Folder 29 MLA NCC

California Collections Directory NCC Mailing 95-32-MLA

(Provenance: Kathy Glennan to the University of Maryland, 1994) 

Box 4 Folder 30 MLA NCCMicrofilm of MLA-NCC Bulletin1948-1953